CEDEP is a not-for-profit institution empowering leaders to navigate an ever-changing business world and shape organisations for a more sustainable and positive impact. We co-design transformational leadership development programs with our diverse ecosystem of global members, clients, faculty and industry experts, providing a unique space to challenge conventions, collaborate and succeed together.

Person in grey sweater actively speaking during a business meeting, wearing glasses, with a lanyard badge and reusable water bottle on the table

Executive Education Programs

Our transformational leadership development programs broaden business knowledge and enhance global perspectives to drive innovation and create real sustainable value.

Group of professionals celebrating with a handshake during outdoor meeting, team members smiling and wearing lanyards, gathered around workspace in garden setting

CEDEP Community

Our diverse community holds different interests and fresh ideas, builds on shared values and embraces new perspectives to collectively stay one step ahead.

Professional group discussion in office hallway with four people taking notes, focused on person with curly blonde hair and glasses in business attire gesturing while speaking

Our Mission

We empower global leaders to embrace collective intelligence and shape organisations for a more sustainable, profitable, socially responsible and positive future.

Join the Community

Join our unique community and collaborate with us as a club or ecosystem member. In an ever-changing world let’s work together to improve tomorrow!


Participants / year


Programs / year





Meet the Minds
Workshop session with participants seated around table, person in floral shirt standing and engaging with group, white board with documents visible in background

We bring together a wide range of brilliant minds from philosophers to AI experts and mobility industry executives to challenge conventional thinking and find innovative solutions to your business challenges.

CEDEP Insights
Group of diverse professionals wearing lanyards sharing a lighthearted moment while looking at mobile device, dressed in casual business attire against wooden doorway backdrop

Discover our latest news and insights: how great leaders inspire action, our vision for tomorrow, breaking the mould in leadership and organisational development, and more.

Our clients

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Our members

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Latest news
BFM TV et Thomas Hinteress

What makes CEDEP so unique?

Thomas Hinterseer reveals all with Nicolas Doze on BFM Business’ JMLECO CEDEP, the first international non-profit Executive Education club founded 50 years ago with L’Oréal

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